A latex mattress can make your bedroom cleaner and healthier. You probably don’t have any idea about what kinds of critters are invading your bed and pillow. These critters affect your health, so you have to get rid of them immediately. Replacing your current memory foam mattress with a popular brand of latex mattress can make a big difference.
Dust mites, bacteria, and fungi have been found in poly-fill mattresses and pillows as well. They pose a danger to those who have asthma or are allergic to these critters. Here’s what is usually found on mattresses.
Various causes of mattress allergies
Bacteria can come from different sources like your hands, hands, face, and saliva, and they accumulate in your mattress. Humid environments and pests can cause also bacteria. The type of bacteria you are dealing with can contribute to pimples, pink eye, colds, and other irritations. Latex is naturally dust mite-resistant. You should also wash the mattress cover often with high heat to kill germs. Water should be almost 160ﹾ to disinfect fabrics. Adjust the water heater if the water is not warm.
Dust Mites
Image credits: https://study.com
Dust mites are related to ticks and spiders, so don’t be surprised that they look like a cross between these two critters. They are found in mattresses, carpeting, pillows, bedding, drapes, toys and furnishings. Dust mites are prevalent in humid months and areas. They may not be common in drier areas. Dust mites chomp away on dead skin, and their feces is believed to serve as food to the fungus that’s growing in the pillow. You don’t want to sleep in such an environment every night. That is why you need to get rid of dust mites immediately.
Dust mites don’t feed on live animals but on dead skin cells from pets and people. They will not transmit disease or bite you. Some people, however, may have allergies to dust mites and their debris. These critters may aggravate existing asthma and allergies. The most common symptoms of a dust mite allergy are itchy eyes, difficulty breathing, sore throat, hives or rashes, itchy skin, watery eyes, sinus problems, asthma, and hoarseness. Dust mites may exist during humid months of the year, or they might be chronic as well. Twenty-five percent of people suffer from allergies, and two-thirds of this percentage have dust mite allergy.
The University of Manchester tested ten 1-1/2 and 20-year old down and synthetic pillows. They discovered that the pillows contained up to sixteen fungi, but they made it clear that most are quite benign to healthy individuals. Some pillows were found to contain aspergillus fumigates. It’s a common fungus, but it has been associated with deaths in leukemia patients and bone marrow transplants.
These fungi are common in houses. Although they may not be a big problem for healthy people, those with respiratory disorders or weakened immune systems should consider replacing their current pillow and mattresses with a hygienic one.
Mold Spores on latex mattresses
If you experience allergy symptoms every year, and these symptoms worsen during humid weather, it’s possible that you’re allergic to mold spores. Mold can be present outside and inside your home even if you don’t see it. It can thrive in humid and warm environments. Common symptoms of this allergy include sinus drainage, respiratory problems, and coughing. In case you face such an issue, getting an ‘at home mold test‘ done using a mold testing kit can be beneficial. If the kit reveals the presence of mold, you can contact a mold removal company nearby to get it removed.
Pet Dander
Pet dander can also cause allergy symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes. It can get everywhere in your home. For instance, a guest may have pet dander clinging to their luggage or them. If you have pets, prevent them from entering the bedroom or getting on the bed.
How Latex Mattresses Benefit Your Health
Latex mattresses hinder the growth of dust mites, mold, and fungi
It is considered as one of the best mattresses for overall health. Latex mattresses are naturally hypo-allergenic so that it will protect you from dust mites, bed bugs, and other home invaders. This kind of mattress doesn’t have delicious fibers that allergens can feed on. The cellular nature of the mattress is also inhospitable to fungus, bacteria and dust mites. A latex mattress is comfortable, so you will be able to have a good night’s sleep. You can sleep with peace of mind knowing that you are safe from these critters.
Other health benefits offered by Latex mattresses
The contours of the mattress offer support to the head and neck for side and back sleepers. Don’t forget to cover the mattress with a high quality mattress cover to keep your bed and bedroom dust mite free. Dust mite proof and waterproof covers can help prevent the transfer of moisture and dust mites. The mattress cover can also collect bacteria, dust, and mold, so wash it periodically to reduce the amount of dust and allergens that gather on your bed.
You should keep other parts of your home safe from dust mites and other allergens. For instance, you should steam and vacuum rugs and carpets regularly. Use a used vacuum with a HEPA filter. Pillows should be covered with pillowcases all the time. The only time that they should be removed is when you need to wash them. Blankets and comforters should be washed at least once every 2 weeks – Wash mattress pads, sheets, and pillowcases at least once a week with hot water. Cool water will not kill bacteria and dust mites. You may also want to freeze non-washable sheets overnight to kill allergens.
Vacuum and clean your mattress at least every fall and spring. The amount of dead skin, dust mites, and its increments would double the weight of the mattress within 10 years. Use a mattress protector to protect your health. Keep the level of humidity inside your home below 50% by using a dehumidifier. Don’t put any upholstery inside your bedroom. It might be tempting to put upholstered headboards and stuffed chairs inside the bedroom, but these pieces of furniture are hard to clean and can attract allergens. Consider going with glass or wood furniture.
Don’t forget to treat the windows. The blinds and curtains collect dust, which can trigger allergies. Use washable curtains and wash them often.